OSDA Info & Policies
General Guidelines
Student Conduct
Please be aware that all news, cancellations, and information for workshops, field trips, parties, and parent meetings will be sent out via email. PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL REGULARLY, and check your spam folder if you think you might be missing emails from us.
The Owen Sound Dance Academy runs classes in two 18-week sessions from September-January and February-June, with registration in August, September, and January. Classes begin the second week of school, with no regular classes running during Winter Holidays and March Break.
NEW: Regular classes DO NOT run on Holiday Mondays.
Students are expected to attend all classes they have enrolled in. Attendance will be taken, so please contact the Academy via email or phone if your child will be absent.
Students who do not attend Session 1 but register for Session 2 will only be included in the year-end show at the discretion of their teachers. Students who miss more than 2 classes in Session 2 (without a Doctor's Note) will also only be included in the show at the discretion of their teachers.
Classes run after school Monday through Thursday and Saturday mornings. Private lessons may be booked with a faculty member on weekends and when studio space is available.
To ensure student safety, parents/guardians are asked to come into the Academy to drop off and pick up their children; students must not wait outside on the street.
Parents/guardians cannot be in the studios during class time. There is a lobby area available for parents/guardians to use if they wish to stay while their child is in class. There will be Parent Observation weeks scheduled in the fall and spring.
Parents/guardians must not interrupt classes to speak to a teacher outside of an emergency. If they have questions or concerns, they must email, message, or call the Academy outside of class hours.
Class cancellations: Announcements will be made via Facebook and email. Classes cancelled due to weather will not be made up, but all other cancelled classes will be rescheduled if possible.
Upon entering the Academy, please remove all outdoor footwear and leave in the downstairs hallway. There are hooks in the second floor hallway for coats and backpacks.
Dancers must wear proper Dress Code to attend all classes, workshops, and rehearsals. Please refer to the Dress Code guidelines. Teachers reserve the right to ask students to leave or sit out if they are not properly dressed for class.
Long hair must be pulled back from face in a ponytail or braid for all classes; a proper bun must be worn for all Ballet classes.
For student safety, no jewelry should be worn other than stud earrings.
Students are expected to attend all classes they have enrolled in. Attendance will be taken, and students who miss too many classes may be excluded from performance opportunities.
Students are expected to arrive at least 10 minutes before their class time in order to get ready and warm up.
Students who are late for class may be asked to sit out if the teacher feels they are not properly warmed up enough to join.
ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD, DRINK, OR GUM is permitted in the studios. Students may bring in a water bottle or use the water fountain. Food must stay in the lobby or student lounge area.
ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OR DEVICES in the studios unless permission is given to use for music.
Students are to conduct themselves appropriately, showing respect for themselves, each other, the faculty, and all members of the community when representing the Academy.
Students who are disrespectful or disruptive in class may be asked to sit out.
The lobby and student lounge are social spaces, but please be respectful of classes running and keep noise levels down.
The Academy has a zero tolerance policy for bullying, poor behaviour, stealing, consumption of illegal substances and smoking. Likewise, discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, or sexuality will not be tolerated. Failure to follow these rules set out by the Owen Sound Dance Academy may result in removal from Academy programs.